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"This is not a valid Circo device" Error Message When Activating a Digital Business Card Device

Updated: Aug 21

If you get the message "This is not a valid Circo device" when attempting to activate your Circo device, this usually means that there's some data corruption associated with your Circo device. Even though this is an extremely rare case and is unlikely to happen, sometimes certain devices will experience this issue. If unfortunately it happens to you, please contact us at along with a screenshot of the error message. We are more than happy to ship you a brand new replacement device.

To troubleshoot this issue, please follow these steps:
  • Without activating the device, tap to the device with your phone's NFC reading area and see if any notification pops up.

  • If there is a notification pops up after tapping, click onto it and it should open to an empty Circo profile in your default browser.

  • However, if nothing happens when you tap to the smart device, double check if you are tapping properly with the right NFC reading area. (iPhone is on top and Android is generally in the middle). Then retry it.

    • If still nothing shows up, move onto "Solution A" or "Solution B" below.

Solution A: Easier way to fix this issue, but it will cause the QR code on card to be unusable:
  1. Navigate to "setting" page in Circo APP, and if you scroll down, you will find the option "Activate a generic NFC device".

  2. Click that option and tap your phone to the device.

  3. In most cases regarding this issue, this option can activate the card. However, this way, the QR code associated with the card will no longer be usable.

  4. Email us at, provide a screenshot of the error message, and we will compensate you with a new device.

Solution B: A more complicated solution but will make the QR code on card usable:
  1. Go to APP store or Play Store on your phone and search for "NFC Tools" App and download onto your device.

  2. Scan the QR code on your card (point your camera to the code and click the pop-up).

  3. The QR should lead to an empty Circo profile page in your browser.

  4. Copy the URL of that opened page.

  5. Go to "NFC Tools" App, look for option "Write", or "Write device".

  6. Add the copied web link.

  7. Click "Write" or "Start writing". Follow the same step you took when activating your Circo device in APP - tap your phone to the device.

  8. After it shows "Successfully written", tap your device with your phone and test to see if it has been encoded properly. If it's encoded properly, the link from tapping should be the same to the one from scanning card QR code.

  9. Navigate back to "Setting" page in Circo APP, click "Activate a Circo device".

  10. Tap your phone to the device to activate.

  11. Even if you solve this issue following this solution and your card is completely usable, you can still email us and we will compensate you a free device.

If you still have questions of concerns, please contact us at


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