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Not Getting the Follow-Ups You Expected After Networking? A Digital Business Card Might Help.

A comparison of traditional business cards with Circo digital business card

A lot of times, you felt confident after handing out your entire stack of business cards at a networking event, expecting a flood of follow-ups. But when fewer people reached out than you anticipated, you might question yourself if you've done something wrong.

Guess what, the issue might be your business card. In today's fast-paced world, relying on outdated or ineffective cards can cost you valuable connections and opportunities.

Traditional paper business cards may seem effective, but the reality is stark— 88% of them are lost or discarded due to different reasons within a week, leading to countless lost contacts. Not only are they easily misplaced or forgotten, but they’re also cumbersome to manage, often leaving you sifting through stacks of outdated cards. In the digital age, this inefficiency can hinder your networking success.

Ever heard of digital business card?

Since COVID-19, the term "digital business cards" has likely become familiar to you, whether through social media ads or colleagues adopting them. While the shift was initially driven by the need for contactless interactions, the rise of digital business cards goes far beyond pandemic precautions. Millions of professionals are now making the switch, not just for safety but for the significant advantages these cards offer: enhanced connections in the digital age and greater efficiency in capturing leads.

How does a digital business card work?

It all starts with creating a digital profile where you can seamlessly integrate your social media accounts, website links, and contact information. This profile becomes a dynamic, easily shareable hub for all your professional details.

When it comes to exchanging contacts, digital business cards make the process effortless. You can instantly share your profile using an NFC-powered smart card, simply by tapping it against someone’s smartphone. Alternatively, you have a unique QR code that comes with your smart card or in your digital wallet, allowing for quick and easy sharing with a simple scan.

Once shared, contacts can be saved directly to a phone and exported to CRM, ensuring that your information is always at their fingertips, ready for follow-up.

Are digital business cards really worth the hype?

Absolutely. In today’s digital age, connecting effectively goes beyond just exchanging a phone number or email address. Here are a few reasons why digital business card is the go-to option for professionals:

Fully dynamic profile:

Digital business cards allow you to create a comprehensive profile that can include not only your contact information but also links to your social media accounts, images, videos, brochures, and virtually anything. This richer, more dynamic profile helps others fully understand your brand and what you offer, making you more memorable and impactful.

Stand out from the crowd:

Believe it or not, a professional’s desk can be buried under hundreds, if not thousands, of paper business cards. A digital business card, however, ensures you stand out and remain memorable. Instead of your information gathering dust on a desk, it goes directly into their phone, ready to be accessed whenever needed. It certainly makes it easier to stand out in a crowded marketplace, giving you a unique edge.

Increased efficiency:

Digital business cards allow others to instantly download your contact information into their phone and easily exchange theirs back with you. This not only ensures that no contacts are lost but also puts you in control, enabling you to follow up rather than waiting for them to reach out. Additionally, managing all your contacts becomes effortless, with the ability to seamlessly export them into your CRM, increasing your chances of turning a connection into a valuable handshake. Digital business cards are a powerful tool for connecting with more leads efficiently and fostering stronger, lasting relationships.

What would be a good option for digital business card?

With multiple digital business card providers available, choosing the right one can be challenging. If you're looking to truly stand out with a unique, mini-site-like digital profile that leaves a lasting impression and clearly communicates your brand, personality, and who you are, Circo is the ideal choice.

Circo is committed to providing the best user experience through its app, emphasizing that your digital profile holds more importance than the medium, like the smart card itself. Unlike many other providers that restrict you with rigid templates, Circo empowers you to customize nearly every aspect of your digital profile, allowing you to express your identity and brand fully.

If you're ready to explore the potential of digital business cards, give Circo a try today. You can purchase a Circo smart card here or create your digital card in the app for free and start making memorable connections.


Traditional business cards served their purpose well in the pre-digital era, but in today's fast-paced, tech-driven world, they fall short. Circo offers a smarter, more efficient way to share your information, capture leads, and manage your contacts. It's time to make the switch to digital business cards and take your networking to the next level.


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